The needs of the Public sector:
Pro-active safety in public areas
Pro-active control and management of:
- traffic
- parking lots
- waste disposal
- tracking and searching for vehicles
The ideal infrastructure for the Public sector is a widespread public lighting network capable of offering the solution to the needs described above.
Moreover, as energy efficiency of public lighting enables the recovery of investments a double benefit is generated.
The sector is made up of all the Administrations that require a more efficient lighting system and or those that are implementing systems for the safety of citizens.
HiMarc offers Administrations a solution capable of:
- Maximizing energy savings in public lighting
- Provide a widespread control of urban areas that increases citizens’ safety
- Provide the instrument for effective traffic control, which leads to a reduction in the number of road accidents
- Provide monitoring of application of good citizen rules
- Offer low-cost broadband access, which increases value-added services (communication, advertising)
In the domestic market HiMarc, thanks to partnerships and commercial agreements, provides a “turnkey” solution, that includes (all or in part according to need):
- Assessment of the current state of the plant
- Design of the upgrades of the Infrastructure or new Impiant
- Implementation of new plant / modification of the plant (infrastructure, plant engineering, technology, installation, support, maintenance)
- Full cost financing through product energy savings (Project Financing).
In the international market, Himarc leverage partnership with locally operating companies of the sector.