
Safety is a determining factor for civil coexistence and an essential indicator of quality of life. For this reason it is essential to find effective and economically sustainable solutions.

Current security systems are limited to recording camera footage to be consulted retrospectively following a hypothetical criminal event with the goal of supporting the reconstruction of the events that led to the crime.

On the contrary, HiMarc solution is characterized by being “predictive” and “interactive”.

Predictive, because through the Artificial Intelligence algorithms (A.I.) the scenes – object of attention – are interpreted to recognize situations / events at risk as well as identities, plates and more.

Interactive, because once the identified event has been interpreted, it interacts with the operator by sending alarms and, if necessary, the consequent actions can be activated in real time (such as voice interaction through loudspeakers, and / or communication with the competent security bodies).


Energy efficiency and monitoring on the Italian territory for disaster prevention, or in Europe, are two key problems for attention of the Public Administration.

Energy efficiency for lighting both in the city and outside the city, entails real savings on energy costs, a key financial factor for Public Administrations and a reduction in the CO2 component, vital for meeting the EU requirements

The controlled and assisted management of lighting systems is also fundamental, allowing PAs to provide better services to citizens and reduce costs.

The devastation caused by bad weather in Italy but also in most of Europe, has re-proposed the problem of waterproofing, or the consolidation of the territory, which is one of the main causes of land degradation. Now more than ever, therefore, adequate prevention policies are necessarily necessary based on the monitoring of the territory and in particular the river beds and the amount of precipitation.

Himarc offers an excellent response to the aforementioned problems with the integrated and open to interfacing system with specific sensors, able to take advantage of the already existing infrastructure for public lighting only.

Traffic monitoring

Congestion in and around large metropolitan areas continues to increase with heavy repercussions on mobility.

The intelligent management of vehicular traffic is therefore an essential objective for the Municipalities to improve the quality of life of citizens and to avoid the significant economic damage caused.

The integrated HiMarc system, based on AI and widely distributed, at the same time able to have a global vision in a central and real time manner, is therefore able to process the resolution processes and promptly implement appropriate actions


Today the need to bring broadband to the territory is a pressing need for Public Administrations, also pushed by the European Community to make wifi access available to citizens. The infrastructure of the public lighting system is in fact the widespread already existing distributed support able to host the connectivity service distributed on the territory.

The integration of the access node in the MARC5D and the fiber optic interconnection network fully satisfy these requirements.

The result is the availability on every node of the system of a high capacity and speed access port to the system network and therefore to the Internet (WiFi hot spot). The fallout for the PA is to transform the Public Lighting infrastructure into a broadband infrastructure.

The optional wifi access node can also be used to build an internal network