Project Description

The surveillance of infrastructures and the monitoring of public areas has become a subject of particular attention by Public Administrations, both to increase the level of safety by detecting anomalous and emergency situations, but also to enable new value-added services that improve the living conditions of the citizen through a careful use of energy (energy efficiency) and a reduction of pollution (atmospheric, acoustic etc …) and therefore encourage the transition of urban areas towards the SmartCity paradigm.

HiMarc developed a system for monitoring public infrastructures

  • support a widespread monitoring of public areas,
  • integrates with the existing public lighting infrastructure, allowing substantial reductions in power consumption
  • offer a high-speed telecommunications infrastructure for Internet distribution (in situations of Digital divide) and / or provide connectivity to IoT applications (Internet of Things)
  • Enables the creation of new services, like monitoring of car parks, the mobility of vehicles and people, of emergency situations due to unfavorable meteorological conditions.

The system is designed to integrate with existing public and private security control centers.

Project Detail